Thursday, April 24, 2008

Overweight dogs in Europe to the use Pfizer United States of Experience

New York, January. 15, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — European are not in the term the same efficient medical tool to be given United States veterinary surgeons helped to handle beleibte dogs die to exercise to react and diet. Since Pfizer SLENTROL(TM) animal before Healths eight months in the United States was inserted, thousands of the beleibten dogs to have profited from the healthier weights and from the more active lives. Now European veterinary surgeons are to speak with dog owners about Slentrol as additional tool with improve weight loss success with diet and exercise. “We’ve stopped a challenge, so that European veterinary surgeons owners to a take per-active approximation and the ascent of dog beat obesity energizes, and the learned lessons and success their veterinarian colleagues in the United States,” said Patrick Loiseau, Gruppe director follow, companion animal marketing and technically - Europe, Africa, middle East, Pfizer animal Health. Pfizer was directed toward helping United States the veterinary surgeons, die more better their clients to engage itself, if it gets its domestic animals to one healthy weight. 10 thousand United States dog owners BARC Pfizers, used die Body estimate evaluation for eckzaehne on available Slentrol is daily, die mouth solution, die only by veterinary surgeons is present. Slentrol works by the appetite of the reduction dogs and lets it more easier, thus their owners them develop new, long-term diet and exercise behavior help. “We must change the behavior owners first, or we do not have chance of helping a beleibten dog,” said Scott McComb, DVM, McQueen veterinary surgeon hospital, Arizona. Dr. McComb is one that thousands United States of the veterinary surgeons, die successfully dogs of their clients on healthy weight shifted, by prescribing Slentrol. “if I with them over diet and exercise speaks, is supposed it 95% - 98% the unsuccessful They all leave saying ‘, I too go, feed less and exercise more ‘ and it are to me like frequently this doesn’t work,” to Dr. McComb here said amazing. “owner benoetigen the see use of its efforts, the see use of weight Pet loss, or you own behavior never change.” European dog owners and veterinary surgeons look for solutions too, which an increasing health interest is. “dog obesity is not fair a problem, which is singular to United States the dogs and to their owners. It is global, “Loiseau said. Studies indicate around 25-40% of all dogs are overweight or beleibtes. “die frustrations and lack of results connected with different diets, or attempts to regular exercise are to all dogs and to their owners,”, according to Loiseau. But in Europe, dog owners fallen simply to take action against surplus weight in her domestic animals, it said out. A Pfizer promoted on-line overview of pet owners 1500 in Great Britain, shown in Spain and in Germany, recently that had even tried straight 22% of owners to arrive its dog at lose weight. “one of the largest problems, die European pet owners facing are, are that they, as does not overweight their dog be can,” said Andy green, Pennard VeterinaerPractice, Kent, Great Britain to consider. “their dogs get the They’re, which is not weight gain to they conscious to gradual, inside for examinations and see more over time, how much their dog has won weight.” Additional facts over Slentrol Slentrol is not for use in any other animals and including cats. Veterinary surgeons not to give pushed Slentrol to the dogs with liver disease or the dogs, die steroid treatments for a long time to have taken. The most general lateral effect of Slentrol vomits. Some dog lights may develop diarrhea, unusually tiredly, or completely the notice, which Pet owners also eats, becomes that informs, if any is advised these side effects by the last more longer than two days its veterinary surgeon. Slentrol should be never taken by people more under all possible circumstances. For a copy Slentrol of the prescribing information and to additional information over, how Slentrol works, in order to stop dog obesity, go you too Over Pfizer TierHealth Pfizer, Inc. (NYSE: PFE), the biomedical worlds largest research created and pharmaceutical company, is also world a leader in discovering and inventive animal vaccines and regulation medicine developing. Pfizer TierHealth is food-inaugurated improving security, the quality and the productivity of the supplying material worlds, by increasing health the cattle and the poultry; and in helping companion to live animals more longer and healthier lives. To additional information about briefcase Pfizers of the Tierhealth of products, go you too SOURCE: Pfizer, Inc. David Bellis Great Britain: +44 (0)20 8399 1184 Db@Garnett or Rick Goulart United States: 212-733-7457 copyright Business Wire 2008


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