CAMP HILL, Pa, January. 02, 2008 ( BUSINESS WIRE) — over nation, scales go, up above and up. Sixty six, which is in percent of the adults, United States is overweight, or beleibt, says die center for Disease Control (CDC). The estimated 17% of the child age are even more alarming, which 2-19 is overweight. During the monthly January, Rite Aid Korporation ( NYSE:RAD) in the partnership with Lindora Inc., will more offer multi faceted a free weight management program, to of of people lose 10% their body weight to help and from of major improvements in their health and in Wellness form. Working with Lindora, that of America, die medically supervised weight control program, has Rite Aid to lead, valuable weight management points and information and the Rite Weight plan developed, a safe and effectively a step through step the on-line weight loss program, which is present on. Customers make visit each possible Rite Aid store in the whole country and pick up die free materials, and take first steps toward toward Schlussem weight and to the Kw_becoming healthier. A complete Healthy Weight 12-page Guide sets up information on the increasing obesity epidemic disease and the metabolic syndrome, helpful to advice on weight management, one Body mass index computer, points as to create healthy diet, information about the importance of exercise and, radix complements of the suitability magazine for the order, a exercise program, over too begun keeps Die suitability, by Meredith Corp., published is a magazine of the prominent womens, die Wellnessinteressen womens aims. One Weight Tip brochure offers additional information over how ton lose weight reliably, to strategies for healthy the Kw_eating, if it feeds correctly out, advice up like read food stickers and coupon saving on products in connection. Customers know in the Rite Weight plan, in safe, an examined and practical on-line weight loss program also writing, die sketched are, around you to help lose 10, which is percent of their body weight into straight 10 weeks. Kw_free 10 week loss weight program includes A step through step the outline also, with daily and weekly is diet complete and exercise goals, daily weight pursuers chart to record success, example menus and daily motive email. Participants, die for the on-line weight loss program register, can for it chance too win $100 per pound also register, during program, until $10,000 is lost. “its overweight your danger for more over fifty die diseases and conditions increases, die heart disease including is president, diabetes and blood high pressure,” said John Learish, older main leader of the Rite AIDS vice from marketing. “through our partnership with Lindora, Rite Aid to offerIST die programs, die operational funds and support in the situation, to people of of reach surely to help their weight loss a goal and finally, healthier, luckier lively-lives.” Focus of the Rite AIDS on weight management is part its yearlong obligation to the patient health and to the Wellness. Each year offers to Rite Aid free information, answers and guidance on health and Wellnessden topics, die allergy consciousness including is, skin Obacht, pain management, diabetes and heart health. Rite Aid partnered first with Lindora 2006, in order first - to open store into health care hospitals that more offer medically treatment for weight management supervised, as well, as traditional - store in health care hospital services, including diagnosis and treatment the general illnesseslike ear infection, Streptobakterie throat, curve infection, poison ivy and die flu. In addition, they more offer in the diagnostic sieving for diabetes, in blood pressure, in the Cholesterin, in which Tuberkulose concerns and in the urine-separating infection like well which cardio metabolic danger factors and body mass index. Protective inoculations, including those for flu, hepatitis, Meningitis, pneumonia and wind smallpox, are present, are as physical and sport examinations. Z.Z. lets four health hospitals run to Lindora into the Rite Aid memory in Los Angeles, in Costa MESA, in the new haven beach and in Laguna Niguel. In the October 2007, plans for five additional health hospitals in the southern were announced California and are expected, in order to open, by one 2008 Spring. Line Lindoras diet products, die selection the protein staffs including is, vibrations, nourishing additions, weight loss program books, instructing DVDs and the newly established ” weight loss starter installation set” also at all southern California Rite Aid of the positions is additional present. Manufactured 1971, offer Lindora multi faceted, medically supervised program, which combine diet, a moderate exercise and motive tools, in order to help patients, for Life(R) to become lean Die philosophy of emphasizing “, eat you more Better, move you more, to pressure Less(TM)” die program assistance 4,000 patients each day at its 38 southern California medical hospitals and thousands more by its online programs and good-sell books. Lindora is weight the member partnership for Healthy management, a coalition composed of United States Nahrungsmittel-und drug line, of the federal business commission, of the in the middle for Disease Control and of National the institutes of Health. Lindora is also bases more member the comfortable Obacht connection. To more information visit Rite Aid Korporation is one of the prominent drugstore chains nation with more than 5,000 memory in 31 the states and the district of Colombia. Information about Rite Aid, including korporativen background and press releases, is on present by die web site companys. SOURCE: Rite Aid Korporation Rite Aid Korporation Ashley more Flower, copyright 717-975-5718 Business Wire 2008
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