Friday, April 25, 2008

Thinfast 30 years celebrate helping consumers to remove the weight

ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, new jersey, November 14 /PRNewswire/ — this year marks the 30. Anniversary of thinfast, which helps popular diet plan, consumers lose weight with a proven approximation, which offers comfort, partial price increase and good nutrition. Although many things changed over thinfast, since the product was introduced first 1977, their mission continues, on helping consumers to be addressed to follow to Schlussem weight with GrosGreat tasting, the nutritionally balanced products, for weight loss and a proven, simple certain is and flexible plan, which fits today’s busy life-styles. With obesity fastened on the ascent, consumers continue looking for weight loss products and services the promises of a “fast embarrassment” offer. Consequently the majority consumers in one diet program with unrealistic weight loss goals and expectations participate and in the senseless body picture samples, those by society and the means to be adjusted. A new Yankelovich study e.g. found that 56% of women would like to be a size of 8 or smaller, if the average size is 14. Thinfast message took and an effort forms to help consumers to obtain the realistic and healthy weight loss goals by the ‘ discovery its thin ‘ campaign, a new criterion for the mark, which is based on that guidance principle that there is keins ideal weight or size, which corresponds to everyone, and that individual each it own personal weight loss goal should adjust, which realistic and attainable is. This campaign is the newest example in the thinfast history of the yearly 30 of the helping consumer discovery a weight, which is quite for it. No more is not thinfast the “vibration, vibration, plan of the reasonable meal” of the eighties. Today’s thinfast plan is a flexible approximation, which consumers can particularly make to the meeting their necessities and personifizieren according to their life-style, with free on-line support and spurhaltung of tools on and at the expert advice of registered dietitians and support of weight loss advisors through phone with 1-800 SLIMFAST. The mark has a briefcase over from 50 products, including its flagship of optima, the line of the meal re-installation shakes now and staffs and high-speed lunches meal to ready-drink from pulverized vibration mixtures, a line of the protein-rich propellants, vibrations and meal staffs and protein lunches, and simply, to digest vibrations for people which are sensitive for Laktose and glows. Thinfast, the early years were introduced, possessed thinfast 1977 by Thompson Medical by S. Daniel Abraham. Abraham had found and had decided after marketing diet pill the Dexatrim to success in weight loss the industry 1976 to focus its efforts and finances which develop a new pulverized meal re-installation vibration. The thinfast vibrations were sketched at the breakfast and at the lunch to be used followed of a reasonable, healthy dinner as part one weight 1,200-calorie loss plan. Thinfaster soon formed Thompson medically a leader in the weight loss industry. 1987 caught Abraham, which was decided, in order the private company to take on and to look for new announcing tools in order to promote thinfast. He investigated television celebrity labels, and 1988, became manager Tommy Lasorda that of Los Angeles Dodgers ‘ thinfast first Beruehmtheitsprecher. Coming into its 1990, started the success of the thinfast products Abraham to split up from Thompson which is, around its own company to stand medically. Thinfast began to extend its multiplicity of the health and nutritional the products to ready-drink the liquid thinfast vibrations in the doses and cooled cartons, hot chocolate mixture, frozen Zutritte and desserts and lunch such as cheese waving and popcorn included. While the nineties thinfast ventilated more testimonial points of the celebrity, which central procurementnesses free note and Kathy protection GifFord contain, actors Peter DeLuise, ex-new York mayor Ed cook and singer Mel gate ME weight loss, working differently than the Myriade of weight loss products and plans with requirements and unchecked results unsubstantiated, which use of meal reinstalling far weight management strategy effective proven of the medical specialists recognized as of nutrition the experts and and, which helps dieters with partial price increase. The body of the proof this approximation supporting is based largely on the results of the independent-led research over the last 15 years using thinfast. Over 35 clinical studies in the scientific literature, which the important short and long-term weight loss results of using show thinfast, together with improvements in the health risks, those were published with obesity connected are formed and thinfast of best investigated diet plan in America. Thinfast renews category orientation lever the bought thinness Fast(R) in April, 2000, and has, since global extends it into markets in Europe, in Asia and in Latin America. 2004 were again-formulated the entire product series and contained RH-LAUNCHED as thinness Fast(R) of optima, with meal re-installation vibrations and staffs, an average 50% the less sugar than the original product series, with supplying the same large taste and balanced nutrition. Thin Fast(R) shakes the industrial leader of the Remains in the meal re-installation and holds today and renews the category more successfully with products and the services, which are sketched, in order to help, dieters to continual form in their weight loss efforts. E.G. thinfast characterized steering hunger as important expenditure for dieters, with nearly 2 in each 3 more dieter, which permits that hunger her to the Ueberbruecker on one diet, caused according to results of the consumer inquiries, which are led 2005 and 2006 by TSC a department of Yankelovich. In order to address this important consumer necessity to handle all thinfast meals were formulated around hunger until 4 hours long to steer over dieters better to help intermediate meal hunger. Over thin Slim nearly Foods thinfast company, an enterprise unit of the orientation lever, offers shakes a proven and effective way to lose weight, which includes koestliches, nutritionally balanced weight loss and meal staffs and partialcontrolled lunches; Meal planning and spurhaltung of tools; physical activity of suggestions; and specialreasonable advice and support. It gives over 35 published clinical studies, which represent that those promotes weight maintenance as well as improvement after the thinfast plan effective weight loss and in the health risks, which are connected with obesity. The thinfast product series closes a afFordable distance of the vibrations, which propellants, which meal staffs and the high-speed lunches in, that are present in the retail businesses in the whole country. Visit www.Slim or designate you 1,800 SLIMFAST to more information. Over orientation lever orientation lever, one of manufacturer of consumer good of the world largest, the goals, of adding to of of Vitalitaet the life by fulfilling the daily needs to nutrition, hygiene and personal care. Each day, in order the world, consumers 160 million decisions meet, in order to buy orientation lever products. The company kept a briefcase of the marks, which let people feel good, to look and more good from the life. In the United States these marks include recognized names as: Hew, “all,” Ben and Jerrys, Bertolli, Breyers, caress, land pot, degree, pigeon personal care products, light man, Knorr, Lipton, Popsicle, promise, q-sharpening, Skippy, thinfast, Snuggle, polite, Sunsilk and vaseline. All preceding label names are registered registered trade marks of the group of orientation levers of the companies. Inaugurated casing consumers and orientation lever in the United States of approximately 13,000 people in more than 60 office and manufacturing plants in 24 conditions and Puerto Rico employs the communities, in which we live, work and play, - producing nearly $10 billion in the sales 2006. To more information attendance


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